The most frequently asked questions about our online store
To save you emails and phone calls, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and their answers.
However, if your question is not answered, please call us - we will be happy to help you.
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Thank you for your registration in our online store!
After entering and sending your customer data, they will be checked by us and your account will be activated.
You will be informed about the activation by email.
To see prices for our products, you need an account in our online store.
You can register via this link.
If you ever forget your password, you can easily and quickly assign a new password via the password recovery.
Proceed as follows:
- Enter the email address stored on your account via this link and click on "Send email".
- We have sent you an email to the email address you entered. Open this email and click on the link it contains - you will now be redirected to our website for assigning a new password.
- Assign a new password according to your wishes and save it by clicking on "Save".
- You can now log in with your email address and your new password.
In our online store you have the choice between payment in advance, or ordering on account.
During the ordering process you can select the desired payment method.
If you choose the purchase on account, the already agreed payment conditions apply to you.
Please note that the payment methods provided in the ordering process are offered depending on various factors, e.g. order value, etc. and the number of payment methods offered may vary.
In view of IT security and data protection, we expressly advise against passing on your access data.
In order to enable your colleagues or employees to access our online store and place orders with your account/customer number, we have created the possibility for you to create employee accounts as the owner of a main account.
- To do this, navigate to your customer account and select the menu item Employee Accounts.
- You will now see the account management and can create a new account by clicking on "Create new employee account".
- Enter the necessary data and activate the checkboxes at the bottom of the form.
- After clicking on "Save", the login can be performed with the help of the specified email address and the assigned/sent password.
- Checkbox "Send new password"
- With this checkbox, the new password (whether self-assigned or randomly generated) will be sent to the email address of the created account.
- Checkbox "Active"
- By deactivating or activating this checkbox, you can make created accounts temporarily inactive. A login with the access data of this account is then no longer possible until reactivation.
- Checkbox "Send copy of orders"
- With this function you can determine whether you want to be informed by email about orders placed by this employee account. This way you always have an overview of orders placed by your employees or colleagues.
Carbide information
Bonded, brazed or screwed onto other materials such as plastic or steel, carbide increases the service life while at the same time improving the performance of your components and tools.
Compared to high-speed steel (HSS), carbide enables significantly higher loads on the tool, especially when machining metals.
Low wear is also possible when machining other materials despite higher temperatures or other high loads.
Cemented carbide is a sintered metal consisting mainly of the material tungsten carbide (WC) with a density of 15.63 g/cm³ and a hardness almost equal to that of diamond. In addition, it contains a binder, usually cobalt or nickel, giving the alloy its toughness.
Depending on the grade, the base material in powder form has different finenesses and mixing ratios. By increasing the proportion of cobalt, for example, the carbide becomes softer but also tougher, which means that it can break less quickly in impacts.
In a first process, the granules of tungsten carbide and cobalt are pressed into a so-called green compact in the subsequent mold. In a second step, this green compact is sintered at a temperature of approximately 1,500 °C, reducing its volume and creating the actual WC-Co compound.
Depending on the product, the resulting blank can now be further ground, polished, coated or soldered or glued on.
About us
- 01.08.1977 Foundation
Foundation of the trading company Hartmetall- und Werkzeugsysteme GmbH in Bad Neuenahr.
- 1980 Enlargement of the office facility
Due to expansion and more employees, we moved into a bigger office facility in Bad Neuenahr
- 1983 Grinding plant
Start of the production of a grinding plant, especially for chipless wear protection of special parts.
- 01.07.1984 Enlargement
Enlargement of the office- and warehouse facilities due to continuous expansion. Expansion of the grinding plant to include a soldering facility.
- 01.01.1986 Own production
Start of own production of Tungsten Carbide for woodworking tools, especially Tungsten Carbide Saw tips for circular saw blades in Arnhem, Netherlands under the corporate name Wilke Carbide B.V. Worldwide, exclusive distribution from the headquarters in Bad Neuenahr, Germany.
- 1986/1987 Expansion
Participation at leading international fairs for woodworking machines and tools in Hanover (Ligna), Milan (Xylexpo), Chicago, Peking, Shanghai, as well as Singapur. As a result, we experienced a huge expansion of the export business, especially south-east Asia and China. In order to increase those new customers we got personnel reinforcement.
- 01.01.1987 Tungsten Carbide for milling tools
Start of the production of Tungsten Carbide for milling tools for woodworking, including a grinding plant for T.C. Inserts.
- 1987 - Today – Export in more than 50 countries
Meanwhile we have an export rate of 50 % and supply to more than 50 countries worldwide, due to the participation at world leading fairs, such as LIGNA in Hanover for woodworking, BAUMA in Munich for mining industry, GRINDTEC in Augsburg for metalworking and FMC/WMF in Shanghai/Peking for woodworking.
- Export to Asia since 1991
Representatives in Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapur, Thailand, Indonesia, China, India and South-Korea.
- 1993/1994 Extrusion molding
Start of the production of T.C. Bars by extrusion for tipping profiled tools for woodworking, as well as for strips for planer knives and paper knives.
- 01.11.1995 Move of the company headquarter
Completion and move to the recent built office- and shipping building in Bad Neuenahr, which was necessary due to the huge expansion and enlargement of the team.
- 1998/1999 Development of new grades
Development and serial production of new tungsten carbide grades, for example WKCN1 (Chrom-Nickel Binder) for better wear resistance, especially for the furniture industry. Development of new product groups in order to establish Wilke Carbide as a system supplier for several sectors from automotive industry over engineering industry up to recycling industry.
- New IT-infrastructure
Implementation of a modern ERP system and integration into the new IT infrastructure, in order to cope with the continuously increasing amount of products, customers and employees.
- 2003 Development of new grades
Development and serial production of the special tungsten carbide grade WP28S for T.C. Saw Tips for metalworking, due to the continuously increasing requirements of this application.
- 2005 Move of the production to China
We moved our production to our factory in China. Especially to guarantee our customers security of supply for the necessary raw materials
- 2007 T.C. Rods production
Start of the production of raw sintered and ground T.C. Rods. We produce fixed lengths, as well as Rods with 330mm in length with our state-of-the-art factories.
- 2008 Market development in the mining industry
Due to our comprehensive program of B-grades, we managed to develop ourselves to a competitive and powerful supplier in this sector as well. We were able to cope with the continuously increasing requirements concerning our material by developing our grades WB20-WB30-WB40 and not least our grade WB40+.
- 2008/2009 & 2013 Increase of the tools’ life-time
We achieve the aspiration after increased life-time and decreased costs in the sector for industry saws by developing and improving our grade WKCN1, which we could establish on the market in the year 1998/1999. Due to the outstanding and improved wear characteristics of our two Chrom-Nickel binded grades WKCN2 & WKCN3, you are able to reduce grinding- and set-up costs distinctly and therefore significantly increase the life-time of your tools.
- 2011 Enlargement of storage capacity
In order to cope with the increased requirements of our customers regarding stock availability, we extended our warehouse capacity for T.C. Saw Tips, T.C. Rods and Sandwich Silver Solder.
- 2003/2012 Further development of our P-Grades
Advancement of our previous grades for metalworking WP30S & WP28S – By the use of our prime grades WP28S and the further developed WP35S, we were able to achieve an improved life-time by 150% in comparison to the conventional P-grades.
- 2013 Known Consignor
Admission and certification to a `Known Consignor` by the Luftfrachtbundesamt according to regulation (EG) Nr. 300/2008.
- 2014 Webshop
Revision of our website and constant improvement of the linked webshop, by connecting the webshop with the modern IT-infrastructure and our ERP-System.
- 2019 Redesign Corporate Design
Revision of the Corporate Design including the relaunch of our website with a new career page. The next step will be the relaunch of the webshop.
- 2019 Marketing measures
Remake of the product catalog. Furthermore we participated at the LIGNA 2019 in May.
- 2020 Challenge of digitalization
The topic is more present than ever before, and not just because of the corona pandemic. Working from home, automated processes and the online marketing of our products are no longer visions of the future.
- 2021 The hardest year in the company's history
Almost two years in a pandemic, global supply chain difficulties and raw material shortages. In the past, we have always been able to manage crises together and successfully. As if there weren't enough challenges already, our region, the Ahr Valley, and thus also our building, was hit by an unimaginable natural disaster on July 15, 2021. On this darkest day in the company's history, a flood destroyed all infrastructure, a large part of our inventory and badly damaged the building. With a show of strength in the second half of the year, we were able to secure supplies to our customers and in December we were able to partially move back to our completely renovated building. Special thanks go to all the helping hands who have supported us over the past few months!